31 March 2007

Thank God It Is Easter (Part 2)

This goes beyond all common sense, but it seems like I’ll be pulling another all-nighter. What now Jingo, more important coursework that needs to be handed in tomorrow morning or you’ll have fail your course and die of shame? No. This time I’m keeping myself awake because I’m trying to prove a point by spending the entire night completing a chemistry revision guide. A Chemistry Revision Guide 127 pages long that’s stuffed with challenging questions and I intend to complete it, even if it takes the whole night. And I’m doing this, to prove a point - To myself. I think I’m going insane.

(I’ve just spent half an hour sitting in the dark mulling over my thoughts. That can’t be normal.)

And I’m doing this on the start of the Easter holidays, the English equivalent of the infamous Spring Break. Whenever I think “Spring Break”, I picture girls in small bikinis playing volleyball and basking in the sun whilst drinking pina coladas, or house parties where everyone is falling over and laughing and making out with each other (yes, I do realise I watch too many American teen movies) – so basically, people having excessive amounts of fun. Therefore it depresses me to be alone in the dark, trying to figure out the empirical formula of calcium carbonate while people half a world away are living it up without a care in the world. It sickens me how cruel life is.

So why don’t you stop subjecting yourself to this mental torture and get some sleep, you may ask. It’s not even like this remotely matters, or will have any impact on me at all – I won’t magically understand chemistry by doing this.

Since I'll have no study leave, this will be my only chance to revise properly before the exams begin in 6 weeks time. I intend to make the most of it, even if it damages my health.

So basically, my Easter won’t exactly be chocolate eggs and fluffy bunnies. At least that party-animal, wild-child Torquer will come round during the holidays – he’ll probably bring his lemon plant photo collection and rant about the benefits of a Mac, as he sneers at my pathetic Windows powered laptop. He’ll probably bore me into submission so I’ll have no choice but to study and revise.

And why the hell does no one buy me chocolate? It seems the school tradition of buying each other Easter eggs is restricted to just the girls. It’s either that or I’m incredibly unpopular/my friends are stingy bastards/no one is willing to spend money on me.

So anyway, I’m really looking forward to this relaxing break from school. Now if you excuse me, I have chemicals to calculate.

Note: I do realise I've repeated a lot of stuff from my last post. The last one didn't really express how I felt (and was kinda crap) so this one makes up for it.


none said...

You definitely put us hedonists to shame.

...and yes spring break is really like the movies.

Inexplicable DeVice said...

Oh. And there was me thinking I had deja vu...

Perhaps you can comfort yourself with the thought that when you're a Grown Up, you won't get an Easter Holiday because you'll be at work.

Unless you become a teacher.

Don't mind me, I'm just bitter and jealous.

Miao 妙 said...

After reading this entry I feel like dying in shame. I never, and I really mean never, studied for my exams... Hopefully your diligence will be motivate me too.

sciurine said...

Thank god you mentioned that you purposely repeated some points mentioned in the earlier blog. I was beginning to think that all that study is turning you insane! hehe..

Jingo said...

hammer: really? I always thought it was a myth...

device: yeah, i guess I should make the most of it while I still got it. Can't wait for the Summer, then I'll have some fun!

miao: I talk the talk, but can't walk the walk... I'll end up just sleeping and playing computer games over the holidays...

sciurine: The stress is warping my mind!

whispers said...

I feel for you... even though I had a two and a half week long spring break, I was stuck catching up on school the whole time. So while friends had fun... I sat in the dark freezing cold storage room staring at a computer in the pitch black trying to understand the immune system so I could write a report on it... shitty. That's what it was.:)

Torquer said...

Surely "my friends are stingy bastards/no one is willing to spend money on me" is the same thing.

You're not going insane Jingo - we are just stingy bastards. You know me!

PS I've still got your £1 from the other day.

Jingo said...

sam: It seems like we're both in the same boat!

torquer: stop stealing my money you stingy bastard!

Anonymous said...

i'd totally buy you easter chocolate.
provided you got me some first...

Jingo said...

that's the thing... I'm a stingy bastard... Maybe if I took the initiative, everyone else will buy me stuff?

Ah, it's unlikely.

But anyway, I take up your fine offer!

The Usual Stuff said...

American Springbreakers como to Tijuana and Cancun to drink their arses off and girls to make a tv debut by showing their boobs on the national mexican news.
My office only gets two miserable days off, and the following week we're forced to work overtime, to 'compensate'.
A virtual chocolate bunny for you, my dear, and good luck in your exams

ldbug said...

Study hard to play hard later... anyway, the party part is what college (University) is for!

Tickersoid said...

Take drugs or get drunk. You'll feel so much better.

Until you fully appreciate the bleak, frozen, baren, wastland that is your future.

Still not to worry eh?

Jingo said...

usual stuff: spring break sounds like fun... It's a shame I'm stuck in my room revising...

2 days? That's ridiculous!

idbug: Uni will probably be tougher than it is now... I'll party in the summer!

tickersoid: no worries! As long as I can put off adulthood it's all good!

Crashdummie said...

Jingo, you are doing a great job killing my longing to go back to school and take a Ph.D.

Have a fab break and do everything I wouldn't! ;)


thethinker said...

You're lucky. Spring Break was a couple of weeks ago for me.

Oh, and I buy chocolate for everybody. It's not just a girl thing. Maybe your friends really are stingy.

The Usual Stuff said...

Yep, my dear. Believe it or not, I'm only granted 2 miserable days. Of course you would say it's better that than anything, but taking into account every damn kid in the building is havig fun in the hallways, I'll be definitely better off once I'm able to go back to teaching.

Anonymous said...

I wonder whether Torquer also spends a sleppless night revising.