04 March 2007

A Beautiful Day To Pick Litter...

It's March? That could only mean another session of my favourite activity, picking litter at Prince's Park! Hurrah, it means I get another chance to spend my precious time trudging through mud, navigating through parklands that seem to have been bombed by litter when I could be sleeping in and recuperating. And did I mention I get to spend time with this charming fellow? Oh joy.

The things I will do to bolster my CV...

I've already told you enough anecdotes involving Torquer and I so I shan't bother this time. The truth is nothing embarrassing or amusing happened on our third litter-picking session.

The sun was shining, the birds were singing, the dogs were yapping... Instead of just picking litter, I decided to piss around taking photos while Torquer and Rob struggled with their big binbags (100% un-photoshopped!) :

This tree was probably struck by lightning.

I found this amusing. You might not.

Amongst the disgusting debris, there was beauty... I'm surprised swans can live in such squalor

Back at Rob's, I head straight over to his pond when he informed me of the frog orgy that takes place around this time of month. With these pics, I could become a frog pornographer...

So there's a selection of photos I took whilst litter-picking. There were lots more but unfortunately Torquer featured in them, the disgusting git.


Em said...

The 'Thin Ice' photo is great! But sorry you had to pick litter in order to get the cool pics. But you made a positive impact on the earth and thats always a good thing.

none said...

I'm guessing you cleaned up before you took the pictures.

Actually it looks pretty nice.

gneake said...

is it safe to skate when the lake freezes over? i always wanted to skate on thin ice. haha.

gneake said...

on a random note: dylan moran is coming to melbourne@comedyfest! thanks for introducing me to him!

Anonymous said...

It is a beautiful park. Is it actually Princess Park (not Prince's Park) though?

The Usual Stuff said...

I may join you in the frog stuff. They seem to be getting more fun than I these days. (Hope my hubby is not reading this!)ja, ja, ja.

Jingo said...

em: I had to wait 20 minutes for the sun to come up to take that pic!

hammer: yes, I'm so proud!

gneake: I wouldn't advise it ;)

If you like dylan moran, you should watch Black Books. I also recomment Bill Bailey.

anon: it's Prince's Park.

usual stuff: They get more fun than I do! Unless photographing them is providing me with enjoyment...

ldbug said...

The thin ice one is funny;-)

Looks like it was a nice day in the park, even if you had to (take pictures) pick up litter!

The Usual Stuff said...

Well, they might improve your chances if you show the pics. to some beautiful biology student. lol.

sciurine said...

i really liked the last photo...that was until i read the description...

Jingo said...

idbug: It was a nice day... We climbed trees and everything!

usual stuff: and she will somehow appreciate this romantic gesture?!?

sciurine: there's a disgusting side to nature...

heartinsanfrancisco said...

Great pictures, even the non-pornographic ones. I agree, that is some very thin ice on that rippling pond.

We used to live in TN, and had a brook on our property. Early Spring was frog courting season, and there were hundreds of them all pushing their wares. It was like a beautiful chorus, and we even got to recognize different voices. I only regret that we never recorded them before we moved.

KATHBEE said...

Mating frogs...tortoises....flies....horses, dogs....they all just do it when they feel like it....imagine if WE did????? ;)

Nice photos of the park, which does look nice.

I remember going to Wimbledon Common (after watching the Wombles when I was young) and couldn't believe how DISGUSTING it was...dog poo EVERYWHERE, rubbish, bottles, junk - ewwww!! Hope they've cleaned that up a bit!!??

thethinker said...

I was enjoying that last picture until I realized that one frog appears to be on top of another. I don't even want to know what they're doing.

Greta said...

Ha, those pictures are nice! Especially the 'Thin Ice' one. I always laugh at the signs that say 'Watch for Ice on Bridge' in the summer. The rest of the pics are awesome, too.

DeBunkem said...

Well you say that nothing embarrassing or amusing happened on your third litter-picking session, but I don't believe you. I think that something very funny and embarrassing happened, but that you just didn't see it. Litter-picking sessions are great, ain't they Jingo!
~ DeBunkem

b. said...

hey Jing.

photos are wonderful my friend.
the swan is a beauty....

have a good one.

Crashdummie said...

Wicked pics Jingo - so longing to London and Hyde Park *sigh*

PS. I found the "thin ice" pic funny too... but then again I'm strange.

Jingo said...

heartinsanfrancisco: It's a shame since when I got there the frenzy was almost over. Ah well, maybe next year... ;)

kb: Now that would be interesting!

Ah the wombles, whatever happened to them?

thethinker: maybe they're just relaxing? ;)

greta: I had to wait 20 minutes for the sun to come out for that pic! I see it was worth it.

debunkem: well... we did climb trees when I bunch of scallys challenged us... But that really wasn't that interesting...

baie: the swan is beautiful because it's surrounded in rubbish!

crash: I remember going to Hyde park... and being overwhelmed by the ducks and swans that flew at me!

The Usual Stuff said...

No, actually you have to play your cards demonstrating how interested in biology you are and then she might get some ideas from the photo and invite you to study compared anatomy. I mean, how frequently do you get to see any animal... err... having some fun? Therefore, one may conclude your timing is perfect, don't you think?

Jingo said...

Interesting... I'll give it a go, but I doubt it'll woo anyone... ;)

Gaz said...

About the frog orgy,was their any real ugly one's that couldent get a chick?

Jingo said...

it was so frenzied they all got some action ;)