30 March 2007

Thank God Easter's Here

This week has really drained the life out of me - I've been chasing coursework deadlines, depriving myself of sleep and generally fretting over the GCSEs that loom over me like a dark cloud. At this rate, my health will slowly deteriorate and I'll waste away as I walk further down the road to self-destruction. Will there be any respite?

Thank God Easter has come. It really couldn't have come sooner. I think the American equivilent is Spring break, which has always conjured up thoughts of bikinis and beaches and excessive fun (I have been watching too many American teen movies). It's depressing to know that I'll be spending "Spring break" sleeping, procrastinating and doing casual revision - so there'll be not an ounce of fun.

(I'll probably invite that party-animal wild-child Torquer to mine sometime in the holidays. He'll probably bring his potted plant photo collection to ease the boredom or somethin')

The Easter holidays gives me two weeks to recuperate, then there'll be just a month before I start sitting my GCSEs, something I've been working towards in the last few months. These two weeks will be devoted to working towards not screwing up.

In other news, I badly want a Nintendo Wii. Since I can't afford a PS3 and I hate all things Microsoft, I'll probably save up for one of these in the Summer.


Gaz said...

Just do what most ppl do and wait a year till the arse drops out of the ps2 and they'll be around the 150 quid mark while we wait for the ps4,you cant beat a chiped ps2 at the moment while you can copy originals with nero?

KB said...

Yay, for Easter. Rest and recooperate! But have some fun too ;)

As for those game thingys.....is it worth it??? Won't it be out-of-date almost as soon as you buy it??

Jingo said...

gaz: I'm awful with the PS2 controller... That's another reaason to get the wii. I wonder if they'll chip the wii?

kb: I doubt I'll have any fun... The games are defo worth it. They do go out of date fast but that's like all technology these days...

The Usual Stuff said...

We all want a Wii! We all want a Wii! What a wonderful perspective to spend Easter holidays enjoying a new toy...
Pity I can't afford that luxury yet.