Not Another Harry Potter Book...
I've just found out the new Harry Potter book is called "Harry Potter and the Dealthly Hallows"!
This revelation makes me want to inundate the fan forums with lively discussion about the philosophical undercurrent of Harry's world, discuss and map out the entire plot of the 7th book with fellow fans and have heated arguments with 14 year old girls about Harry's sexuality. Perhaps I should stalk JK Rowling until she gives me another titbit of plot.
And to wile away the dull days until the book is published, I'll draw some portraits of what I think the characters should look like and post them on Mugglenet or write a series of homo-erotic fan-fiction featuring the boy wizard.
As you no doubt gather, I'm not a big fan of JK Rowling or her books.
But my relationship with Harry Potter wasn't always like this; I used to be a massive fan. Don't laugh, but when I was around ten (and with a lot of time on my hands) I set up a relatively popular Hogwarts Role-Playing website (I cringe writing this, I'm so ashamed) on
Whilst writing this post, I tried revisiting Expage. It's been six years since I last visited it and it hasn't changed at all since then. Funnily enough, I was introduced to it by a paedophile (I assume it was a paedophile... it seemed a bit unlikely that I should happen to play online chess with someone similar in age who wanted to be my "friend" and send emails to eachother).
But anyway, this isn't about me... This is about Harry Potter.
As I got older, I realised that Harry Potter books were stupid and had no literary value. Not only that but what irritated me the most was how JK Rowling would reveal tiny bits of info about the plot and that would attract world wide coverage... What other author has that kind of publicity?
And she's shamelessly sold out: The crap merchandise, the rubbish games, the films... Don't get me started on the films...
It makes me sick when people say Harry Potter inspires children to read other literature. It's true that people who haven't touched a book in their life will queue up in the early hours of the morning for the books, I have nothing against that. But will reading Harry Potter lead on to classics? Or boring chic books written by Jaqueline Wilson (don't get me started on her...)? You decide.
The worst thing about Harry Potter is the legions of obsessed fan-girls it has spawned. Seriously, don't they have anything better to do than discuss the books and defend their beloved Rowling?

I refer you to this article.
I remember visiting Potter forums at the time and despite how wrong her comments were, the fans were slagging off Terry Pratchett, saying how he was a bitter old fart who was just jealous of Rowling's success.
It makes me sick it really does. Painful memories were brought by the latest Potter news and I had to get this rant out of my system. It's really spoiled my Christmas.
You're the first person to figure out my new URL. I'm impressed. :D I haven't read any Harry Potter books yet and was planning to get started (because one of my friends told me that it has literary value which is contrary to what you think), and now after reading your entry I've decided to seriously reconsider whether it is worthwhile to invest my time on HP books.
And you don't have to feel embarrassed about your childhood obsession with HP, we all go through that phase; when I was a child I was obsessed with Teletubbies (now this is worse isn't it?).
And Mu Tai Dong's latest entry is so funny it made me laugh like mad, LOL.
I haven't read any of the Harry Potter books athough one of my daughters has.
I can hardly believe you are only write so well...I am impressed!
Hi Miao,
I thuroughly recommend you read Harry Potter. Even though it is very poor, you'd be missing out if you didn't!
So has MTD's post done enough for you to forgive her? ;)
Yes, Telletubbies is a lot worse. I wouldn't advertise the fact if I were you.
Hi Kintheatl,
As I said to Miao, it's a cultural experience so I recommend you read it.
And thanks for the compliment. I'm very flattered; if only you were the one marking my english coursework.
I don't mind telling other people that I used to like Teletubbies since I can justify it as a mistake made in the past due to poor taste. And since people can get a laugh out of it, I don't mind advertising it. :P
And well, forgiveness doesn't really come into the question since I was only slightly annoyed, but truth be told, MTD's friends are more irritating than she is. ;)
interesting point how young people are so well-educated and articulate. it's like, everyone here is so young. makes the fact that i am nineteen seem like well, elderly.
and i am impressed that you got miao's url. i can't get it. i know what it's about, but that's it.
i used to like harry potter. but not that much in the first place. my sense of keen-page-turning urgency died after the Prisoner of Azkaban. but then again, i am no good with books so lengthy ones ala fourth and beyond, i don't enjoy as much.
but i can see what you're saying. she's popularised the fanstasy genre by subverting it to her own take that has, quite luckily, captured the imagination of a relatively large proportion of children. the worldwide success i believe is due to word of mouth, and playground pressure, since it becomes a common point of which kids talk about in school. you know, keep up or you're out the loop.
anyway, i do own the first four of the books, the last of which i have misplaced so really, i have three but i was going to collect them all at first, but considering i lost the fourth, i've decided that they cost too much and reek too much of commonality for my taste. heh.
I'm a Harry Potter fan, being an avid reader myself, but I respect your point of view about it and the writer. However, I'd like to share one good thing the books did. My mother had never in her life read a serious book. She got started with Potter 'cause I'm a fan and they were easy to read. Nowadays, she's moved on to Isabel Allende and more serious texts.
So, indeed, a step forward was taken due to Harry Potter.
Well gneake, I am eighteen. ;) If being nineteen makes you elderly, I am not much younger either.
Hi Gneake,
I kinda cheated with the URL... I used technological skill rather than solving the riddle.
I wouldn't be seen dead with a HP books on my bookcase that's for sure.
the Usual stuff,
That's one aspect of the books I like, they definitely do make people read. It's just that JKR is beginning to think she's some kind of literary genius these days and IMO the books are great page-turners but not great literature.
Having said that, I am eagerly awaiting the next book (if only to laugh at it ;) )
oh and Gneake and Miao,
with age comes wisdom... The only thing I care about right now is getting into a decent Uni; I'm sure you two have higher, much grander aspirations.
I'm not even sure if I can get into a university since I'm positive that I screwed up my 'A' Level Economics paper. I'm jus praying for a pass right now.
- Miao (lazy to sign in)
And I'm not sure if wisdom really comes with age... I don't seem to have matured much over the years, and I do know of a handful of individuals who are perfect evidence that the statement is not necessarily correct.
- Miao (still lazy to sign in)
Well I like your post - just ignore them all Mr J!
嘿Jingoistic! 谁是哈里陶瓷工? 嘿Miao! 停止说谎关于您的年龄! 我们全部知道您是58!! 我的朋友不是恼人的!! 任一个方式做您喜欢我的新外形图片?
Hey Jingoistic! Who is the Harry potter? Hey Miao! Stops lying about yours age! We completely knew you are 58! ! Friend of mine is not irritating! ! Any way is you to like my new contour picture?
I would hate to have to do economics... I already struggle with Business studies which is a joke compared to it.
Thank you for your words of encouragement mr mutley. Even though you're horribly two-faced I still love you :)
MTD, why must you spam my comments with your drivel? If you must know, I figured out she was 58 a long time ago.
Yes Mu Tai, I'm 58 but I look like I'm only 18. Jealous? Don't be. ;)
Well who gives a bugger about 'literary value' , you enjoy it it has literary value or you don't in which case it doesn't.
Personally I think shakespeare is a tedious load of old knackers....but hell thats just me.
Feck I see mutley and mu tai are already here.... I suspect they are stalking me...Mutley is obssesed with my heroic thighs and Mu tai wants to show me her sweet and sour dumplings
***big sigh***
My popularity is a curse.
Miao will you be my blogsphere sweetheart
**beckons enticingly**
I am wearing ladies panties
excuse me, but i am very confused about the level of intimacy going on about here! it's like, everyone knows each other or rather, and really, it's kinda spooky... haha.
Beast, how nice of you to join us.
On your point about literary value: Some books are page turners and others are good literature, as you said about Shakespeare, it is deemed good literature but not necessarilly a good read (I personally can't stand it either). My point was that people are hyping it up as a classic when it's clearly not.
I'm so glad a popular individual such as yourself took the time to grace this blog. Hopefully your popularity will rub off on me.
Gneake, if you manage to get on Miao's new blog, you'll find out the whole story.
But to summarise: MTD, Mutley and beast know eachother very well. MTD and Mutley pissed off Miao on her blog so much which is the reason she changed her URL. Now I guess they've started coming on mine...
I'm sure you'll have plenty of time to get to know them a lot better. They may be crazy but they're a laugh at times.
Now that I've changed my URL, it is akin to getting a load off my chest (I no longer have to worry about the possibility of Mu Tai stealing my stuff :D ) and now I can laugh heartily while reading Mu Tai's entries and appreciate her fully for her entertainment value.
MTD... Comic genius... :D
Harry Potter series are fantasy stories. They suit kids of young age. As you grow older, you will change your taste and your ability to appreciate. Terry Prechett definitely write more thought-provosking and deep stuff. But JKR produces more interesting stuff. TP will last, I think. His books have been turned into broadcast drama by BBC.
Yes but HP has multi-million pound movie deals!
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