30 December 2006

Christmas Is Over

What I hate most about Christmas is the parties.

I have no complaints about attending any parties (after all, I'm getting free food and it's a break from the usual monotony of life), however over the past few years they have lost their excitement and appeal. I think it's the knowlege that my family must host an equal number of parties to the number we attend. This raises the question, is it worth it? Do I seriously enjoy them?

The type of parties I go to are actually more parents social gatherings; my family go to the houses of friends families and we basically do a round-robin system of partying so everyone (in the group of friends) eventually hosts a party.

This may be the reason why it has become so tedious; the parties of parents are usually never too interesting for their offspring. I'm good friends with the kids of the other parents so boredom never used to be an issue in years past. However, I've become more mature now and the things that interested me in the past no longer interest me now; I've got Uni and A-levels on my mind while they're still into arcade games and the like.

It's a shame my friends don't organise anything on a grand scale (e.g. parties). I wish it was like America where people throw alcohol fuelled house parties on a whim...

But I digress. The worst thing about these gatherings is the gossiping. All the parents ever do is boast about the achievements to date of their children and their chances of Oxbridge (mine at the moment are very slim but it's early days).

I'm so glad it's all over for another year. Will keep this brief since there's still the New Year's Eve party to go before it's completely over, then the academic year begins.


Gaz said...

Whats wrong with arcade games?lol

Jingo said...

Love them. It's just my mind is plagued with other things now, making it impossible to enjoy them.

DeBunkem said...

Hope you have a great 2007 Jingo!

Miao 妙 said...

I hope you'll qualify for Oxbridge! :)

Have a great year ahead.

sciurine said...

There's nothing wrong with arcade games at all, but i can totally see where you're coming from. I hate grown up gatherings, i tend to avoid them at all costs. The occasional piss-up parties do appeal to me, but sometimes just a quiet bumming around in another's company can turn out to be just as enjoyable.

Happy new year =)


Jingo said...

Happy New Year to you all as well!

There's a long time to go before I can even consider Oxbridge, which just makes me feel even worse when my parents talk about it.

Jingo said...

sciurine, the thing is, I can't avoid them. Who will feed me when they're gone? The plus side to these gatherings is I get all the gossip on Uni.

Wish my friends would organise a party. We always say we will but we never do. Lack of commitment.

Gaz said...

Happy new year anyway lad,look after yourself!

Jingo said...

I will Gaz :) Happy New Year to yourself too!