01 January 2007


It's the start of 2007 and you know what that means: People begin writing (and breaking) their New Year Resolutions for the year ahead. Normally, I don't bother with such yearly targets but this year is different. This year I have a blog.

I'm a bit hazy on this subject but I'm sure there's some unwritten rule that states bloggers must post their New Year Resolutions. Or maybe I've just made that up. Either way, here are my resolutions:

1. Achieve academic success
It's an important year ahead and it is vital I get good GCSEs. So basically this year I will need to up the tempo in terms of study to achieve those top grade boundaries or I can kiss that career in Medicine goodbye. Need to get my act together etc. etc.

2. Get work experience
You may not know this but work experience is vital when Unis consider applicants for Medicine so I'll probably end up doing shifts at the local hospital, handing out meals or whatever. Time not well spent but vital for the future. The things I will do for medicine...

3. Get a paid job
You can always count on MacDonalds to provide jobs for people with no qualifications such as I (Well actually I do have some but unless I'm working in the French branch they aren't worth mentioning). I can finally put that National Insurance card to some use.

4. Learn to drive
There's a snowballs chance in Hell I'll get a car but it's a cool, babe-magnet (or so I'm told) skill to have and will keep me occupied over the long Summer once I get my provisional license.

5. Keep my Laptop clean
You be shocked to learn that since buying my £1500 Quosmio laptop I have failed to properly clean it once. So as I looked upon the layer of crap that had accumulated on top of it in disgust, I spent a good half hour polishing it (as if it were a Ferrari) and vowed to keep it in the squeaky clean state it is in now for the whole year at least.

6. Learn to shuffle
These resolutions are getting a bit trivial aren't they? But being such a good cards player (and very modest), not being able to shuffle a pack of cards brings shame and allows my fellows to question my card-playing abilities. That needs to be rectified.

7. Update the blog
Certain aspects of this blog need improvement (and no, it's not the content). My priority for this blog is to find a new layout; one that is clear and easy to read and not a boring blogger layout. Secondly, I need to update the labels; they are getting far to cluttered and overlapping. If anyone can give me any ideas (about the layout) your help will be greatly appreciated.

And that's it. Not as specific or as interesting as I hoped it would be. I don't care.

It will be interesting reading what other peoples' resolutions will be. I would tag some people to write theirs but that seems just too much hard work.

Discovered this cool site: FutureMe. Might write something on it in the future. Should be good.


ShouFarn said...

Isn't it good when people question your card playing skills? Underestimation from opponents is always a welcome thing, in my opinion.

Unless you are playing something partner based like Bridged, when you are underestimated by your partner...

Crashdummie said...

Eh, resolutions are like promises & rules - they are simply made to be broken.

But if you wanna be a good boy and actually follow them, good luck (i've got a feeling you might need it) ;)

Cheers, and Happy New Year!

Jingo said...

Hi shoblast,

It's only good when there's money on the table (e.g. Texas Hold'em) and when I play there rarely ever is (they're all scared I'll win their money).

But it makes me an easy target, especially if I'm winning.

Jingo said...

hi crashdummie,

Thanks for the luck! If I can make it through this year unscathed it'll relieve a lot of pressure for me.

Dizzie said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog & good luck with your resolutions!

Anonymous said...

McDonalds sounds like good experience for the future! I must remember not to get ill this year if you are in a hopsital it would be just my luck, have you ever been to Redruth?

Anonymous said...

Incidentally Bridge was actually invented in Bridport as was string, and the towns factories specialised in the production of nooses for hangings. "Stabbed with a Bridport knife" was a common euphemism meaning being hanged (hung?)

Anonymous said...

If you keep your New Year Resolutions quitely to yourself, you
will not break them.

Jingo said...

Mutley, let's hope I don't like Maccys so much I'll stay there for good!

Unfortunately, I have never been to Bridport or Redruth. But if I ever do, we should have a pint sometime ;)

Faith said...

Sounds like a good start! :)

BEAST said...

Setting realistic resolutions is best.....with this in mind

1.I am going to marry Britney Spears.

2.I am going to tap dance in the vatican(nekkid)

3.I am going to give up smoking (this is a blatant lie)

Jingo said...

Hi faith, I see your back from you lengthy absense. Hope things worked out for you.

Jingo said...

Beast, you need to reassess your standards if you're aiming so low as Britney Speares. These resolutions need to be difficult!

kintheatl said...

Sounds like you have some good resolutions there.

Keep up the good work with your studies...I am all about my kids doing well in school.

Good luck with learning to drive. Stay safe.

The Usual Stuff said...

Welcome to the club! I'm learning how to drive too! I'm scared to death, but that's one of my goals, and once I learn, no one will get me off my car!

Gaz said...

Try subway,our Catherine and her mate do a day a week for them and they pay good money,i think its like £4 an hour.

gneake said...

my friends are scared when i play texas hold 'em, cos i bet too large an amount all the time, which they tend to want to match in order not to lose face, so in the end you can see through their ploys very easily.

however, my friends are also smart enough to call it a night if not i can buy a small boat already.

sciurine said...

I'm impressed you've actually taken the time to write out your new years resolution. This year, after breaking so many resolutions in the past, i figure that i won't make any so i can't break them. Goodluck with getting into medicine..aiming high ;)

And gneake, so not true, i play with tactics but only fail miserably simply 'cause i can't keep a straight face. And i'm never the one to call it a night!

Jingo said...

Kintheatl and the usual stuff: Hopefully I won't become a menace to society and enjoy myself whilst driving!

Jingo said...

Gazza, an excellent suggestion! If it's £4 an hour I will definitely consider it. Not only does it pay well but I'll be able to keep my pride intact, win/win!

Jingo said...

gneakeand sciurine: I will have to play you at poker sometime! Oh and by big bets, how big?

It's never about losing face for me, it's about coming out with more money than you entered with ;)

Crashdummie said...

Btw, howz it going with the resolutions so far - broken any? ;)

DeBunkem said...

I resolve to give up giving up...

Jingo said...

Crashdummie, give me time and I will! My resolutions are hard to break but also incredibly hard to achieve...

Jingo said...

Hi debunkem and dan, I'd love to be able to adopt your mentality. Alas I need goals to work towards so i cannot.

Tom Bailey said...

You are on a good track with these ideas.

Anonymous said...

I could give you some advice - but I am offended- so I won't - how is Miao? We are missing her - which desert is she lost in - will she tell us of her near death? What did we do to offend her?

Miao 妙 said...

Nice advice from Debunkem & Dan, and I gave up writing resolutions two years ago because I broke all of them.

Jingo said...

Thanks Tom. I hope to keep my resolutions this time :)

Maio: Surely it's worth trying? Atleast you'll feel guilty if you didn't complete them rather than nothing at all.

Jingo said...

Mutley: It is a shame you won't help me. Your expertise is most sought-after.

And Miao? She's good. Why don't you ask her? You'd know how she was if you find her blog.

I wasn't aware you offended her, what could you (the nicest person from Bridport I know) possibly do to offend anyone? I'm sure she's missing you too and will visit you lot to ease your minds.