25 January 2007

A Crazy Notion

Whilst clearing out my memory stick, I came across a Word file I forgot existed. The Word file contained the beginning of a story I co-wrote with a friend, two years ago; when I was young, naive and dreamed that one day I would become a novelist like Terry Pratchett or Neil Gaiman...

I was filled with such fanciful notions back then. We held the belief that the story would eventually manifest itself into Nobel prize-winning literature.

After writing a few pages, the story was abandoned and stuffed into a memory stick, never to see the light of day.

So after such a long time I read the story. And I thought parts of the story were damn good which is why I've decided to post an extract for you to read:

He stumbled awkwardly through the blackened streets of Dvirkivschyna, his mind as uncertain as the fluctuating MICEX. All his life he had lived a secluded life of religion but after reading the Book, he had been inspired like a Russian peasant to change his life.

The book had changed his life. It had given him a new start. It had inspired him to start a new adventure and release him from the shackles of religion.

He followed the path to the harbour and approached the sand-strewn beach. But the tranquil place he used to know was filled with commotion. He watched a great dark mass of capitalist Russian scum approach the rabble of discontent Ukrainian townspeople. The megaphone blared,

“The Russian Authority does not accept the Ukraine as a legitimate state. Swear your allegiance to Russia or be crushed like the pitiful Ukrainian stink-worm under the proud borsch-eating bear of Russian inequality.”

“As the pitiful spineless Ukrainian people we submit to our Russian Oppressors. Praise be to our borsch eating neighbours!” The townspeople began to walk away donning fur hats. Boris ran in front of them and blocked their path.

“How can you cast away your Ukrainian nationalism so easily? Comrades, you have let me down…” He pointed accusingly to each one of them. This took some time but when he was finished he continued his speech.

“We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in Ukraine, we shall fight on the borsch ponds of our motherland, we shall fight with growing nonsensical oil referendums and economic treaties of catastrophic proportions, we shall defend our fishing potential, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight in the gas plantations and in the poor quality wheat fields of woe. And we shall never suspend inflation!”

Boris struck a noble pose with a hale of Kalashnikov fire. A ragged cheer went round. His heart welled up with pride at the sight of his Ukrainian comrades spurring him on until he realised that his bodily fluids were pouring from a bullet wound to his chest. He watched his Ukrainian comrades hug their Russian oppressors. He collapsed on the floor, alone, pitiful and lacking in blood.

So to summarise the story: It's about the struggle of one politically minded individual as he tries to prevent Russia seizing control of Ukraine. The plot is weak because it's humour (and it wasn't really thought through)

And I know parts of it are awful and make you want to cringe... I was only 14 when I wrote it.

The reason I'm posting this is because I'd like some feedback on the story, from what you've read of that extract (I would include the whole thing but it's far too long and parts of it are shit).

And the reason for the asking of feedback is because I'm filled with a desire to rewrite and finish the story now that I'm a more mature and capable writer.

Naturally, Torquer has already informed me this crazy notion of mine is destined for failure.


b. said...

wow... a crazy notion can lead to something great...

Jing, i really, really, truly did enjoy reading this... I'm Ukranian actually. (My grandmother) and I found it kind of heart-wrenchingly touching....

i really hope the story does continue. i think that you will make a masterpiece. and even if you don't, you will always have your blog readers!

and in response to the comment left about my "heart-ache"... sometimes I play it to be a bit more than it really is. which is the beauty of being able to write. I can release those feelings in a more constructive way than perhaps killing those who have broken my heart in the past. haha.

Anyways, enough of heart-ache and heart-break... how are you?!

keep writing,living,laughing,loving, DREAMING.

Anonymous said...

Why not?? It can't do any harm after all. Its fine, not that I ever criticise other peoples writing existing as I do in a fantabulous and meaningless exercise in British magic realism!! Did you see the Bridport Literary Prize *sighs* - yes its real - google it. You will be up against me, Mu Tai and Nothing man - amongst others. When you have found its real - spread the link - it could be fun for some side bets!

The Usual Stuff said...

My dear, you should absolutely finish it. You may take the recent events in Ukrania and other separatist provinces to provide a more actual setting. I tried to write a 007 adventure using the death of the Pope as the excuse, but now I think it was kinda lame.
You've got the talent. Keep the pen moving, pal!

Mu Tai Dong said...

I personally thought you are do not have the match regarding miao!

Miao 妙 said...

I can never, never write about politics. And actually, your story is quite funny - especially the exaggeration of details at certain parts. You should finish the story - you write very humorously. :)

Torquer said...

This project should definitely continue under my watchful gramatical eye. I look forward to assessing your next chapter...

Jingo said...

baie: wow, you're Ukrainian? What a coincidence! I actually know very little about Ukraine which makes it pretty difficult to write. How can you possibly describe some you know nothing about?

I may consider the story, but it depends if my co-author can be bothered to write it with me. It'd be so lonely writing it by myself...

Well, you are allowed poetic license. I suppose I over-exaggerate the embaressment I suffer. I guess it's what us literary types have to do.

At the moment my life is horribly mundane, and I doubt it'll pick up anytime soon.

Jingo said...

mutley, you know me too well! I can never tell if it's real or fake with you... Still, make's it all the more interesting!

I will have to check out this competition. Hope you win!

Jingo said...

the usual stuff, I will try and finish it, but I doubt i'll even start writing it this year.

Things will push it back and it'll be forgotten then rediscovered...

Jingo said...

miao: I'm glad you found it funny. I found it hilarious! (apart from the speech, that's aweful)

At the moment, I'm not sure whether to make this a political intrigue or surrealist satire... I guess It'll need a mixture of both.

Jingo said...

TORQUER! You approve of this venture?

I doubt the next chapter will come anytime soon. I'd prefer to get 10 A*s rather than become a published novel at the moment.

Jingo said...

MTD, I have no idea what you mean...

Mu Tai Dong said...

极端爱国义者! 我意味, 您是伟大的! 但Miao 是好!
Extreme patriotic righteousness! I meant that, you are great! But Miao is good!

Silversith said...

Wow... you wrote that at 14? Half the people I know aren't articulate enough at my age to write something like that... Nice use of words :) You had a great vocabulary back then :P

gneake said...

wow, a vocabulary and appreciation of other worldly cultures at 14 is astounding. indeed there is talent, and although i agree some parts are a little overworked, it is by and large a very convincing and lively piece.

i will also say i agree with miao: that you have the flair for writing humorously, especially the sort that builds up and slaps us silly with a great twist or punchline. when i read your work sometimes I even expect to laugh. Great job!

whispers said...

I have a sister that started writing a book when she was around 15. She's still working on it, but it's absolutely superb! Unfortunately she doesn't have too much time to put towards it, so she's not getting much progress.
It's about Italy, or, actually, it's about alot of places... mainly Spain I think. And it has wonderful pirates!!! YAY!!!

whispers said...

But yes, wonderful writing.
I LOVED the story!

Anonymous said...

Have you noticed that Miao and Mu Tai have the same artistic tastes - I am beginning to think they are the same person.

Jingo said...

MTD, I'm glad you think I'm a great writer. You're not so bad yourself!

Jingo said...

nekomati, yeah I am pretty special ;)

Jingo said...

gneake, definitely overworked! If I ever write a book it will be definitely humour, I doubt I will have the ability to write serious literature.

Jingo said...

Sam, when it gets published, u can send me a copy! Oh and thanks for the compliment!

Jingo said...

mutley, the similarities between miao and Mu Tai are uncanny... I'm glad you brought this up.

Faith said...

Its really not bad! Haha. Two thumbs up for teenagehood and the dreams that it fills us with! Oh I should let you read the stuff I wrote when I was 9. Ahahh. Something about some mysterious kingdom with an extremely ugly old fat grandmother on the throne, who, filled with the need to procreate, rapes her own son. Wahahah. G'day. Grins.

b. said...

Hey Jing...

when are you going to make another post? come on man! get to it!


Jingo said...

faith, that story is extremely disturbing. And at 9 years old! *shudders*

can't wait to shake off that burden that is adolescence!

Jingo said...

baie, it's in the works. I'm not a machine! I'm too busy writing about the molarity of potato chips...

Btw, you can play the Tenor sax? So can I! We should have some jamming sessions sometime (although I havn't played in over 2 years).

It's a shame I didn't learn how to play the piano... I had the fingers you know...

KATHBEE said...

At first I thought it was a Sci Fi!!!

I LOVED the line "...this took some time..." Ah hahahahahahaha!! I'd LOVE to read a humurous story written by you - but then I have (the soccer in the rain one) and I'm about to read your next posts! Lookin' forward to it!

The SAX!!! Lucky you - that's a very sexy instrument - you should get LOTS of "Cosmogirls"!!

Jingo said...

kb, yeah, that line is funny! As I said, there are some gems in there. The rest is rubbish!

landsker said...

Borsch-t, one of the most romantic and even, some might say, inspiring culinary concoctions ever to emanate from a peasants` potato patch. Best served hot, with sour cream, and of course, rye bread and gherkins.

The tales of Ukraine can include references to the Khasars, the neocons of the 8th century.

Borsch-t, with a "T".

Other than that, the tale has merit, keep at it.


Jingo said...

yeah, I realised I spelt it wrong but couldn't be bothered changing it.

Thanks for the advice. Although I probably won't write the story, it is pretty awful!