10 January 2007

Total War

I feel compelled to write a post about Medieval 2 Total War.

I own three other computer games: Sim City 4000, The Sims 2, Football Manager 2007 but it is the addition of an online feature which has made Medieval such a rivetting game and it has me hooked.

Me and my friends bought the game a while back and started playing battles online. Before I knew it I was caught up in the excitement, formed a clan and became a hardcore gamer. Instead of organising dates to go to the cinema we now organise when to go online... how sad have we become?

The process of online battling involves a lot of waiting. First we would wait until all the "clan" (we set up a clan to gain respect amongst the other gamers) were online, then we would wait for a person to host a battle. We then wait until everyone joins the battle. And then we wait for opponents. We then choose our armies and wait for everyone to finish. Once we are all ready the battle loads and we wait. Only then do we begin the battle, knowing that our prides are at stake.

At any point in the waiting the network might fail and we would need to restart the whole process. I like to think the anticipation heightens the gaming experience.

And afterwards, there'd be much banter about who beat who and who's better than who. All good, healthy fun. (Admittedly, I have been using a lot of l33t speak lately. I'll have to fight the urge to write words like n00b and pwned.)

This is what it's like every time I go online. I escape to a fantasy world of trebuchets and feudal knights and longbowmen.

And who can blame us for liking such a game? The battles are immense and friends who don't have the game often protest about how we obsess over it, how we talk nothing but tactics, how every conversation leads on to Total War.

But they've never tried the game. They don't understand. Seeing us talk about it, they don't want to understand. And a rift is forming that is splitting my friends into two groups.

So to summarise, Medieval is having a detrimental effect my social life. But if it's the price I pay then so be it!

And let's no get started about what effects its having on my education...

You may be wondering why I haven't posted too much on current affairs. Well, it's been a slow news week (nothing of real interest for me to write about). I may do a post on the hybrid embyro scandal... In the mean time, I direct you to one of my earlier posts on the subject.


BEAST said...

The most shocking news is Morrisey doing the eurovision song contest....after his classic Heavens knows I am miserable now and other depressive masterpeaces , its bound to be a real wrist slitting winner
I cant wait

Simon said...

Medieval total war looks like a great game. I have Rome total war, but I don't think my system could cope with any more.

I don't think gaming has a detrimental affect on my social life, it fills in all those gaps when there's nothing else to do and it give something to talk about, if you meet a new male aged 14-25 gaming is a sure fire topic. As for my revision and grammar, well that's a different matter.

Jingo said...

Beast: well that is fascinating...

Jingo said...

Simon: I had RTW but never went online. Now that i've discovered that aspect I'm hooked!

I think I need to phase it out before any serious exams...

Torquer said...

With more pressing matters, i.e. exams and coursework, I prefer not to buy this game. Plus I have a Mac and its only for PC.

Oh and Jingo, its Sim City 4, not 4000.

Anonymous said...

Games themselves are harmless. It is the dark side of human nature if you get hooked. When you think you become hooked, you should quit. Torquer seems sensible not having it.

Crashdummie said...

I dunno what to say... If i was in the neighbourhood I know what I would have done - dragged you out from your room out into the sunlight (or the rain which is more likely).

Dude, start living IRL ok? :)
But then again, we all need a distracion from everyday life.

Ok, lets just make some rules and remember: you master the game, the game doesn't master you... ok... ok?!


Anonymous said...

I have The Sims 2 but somehow I can't manage to install it :(

gneake said...

games don't seem to do it for me. call me anti-social.

Simon has a good point about the surefire conversation topic when meeting a new gaming male in that age bracket. lots of boys at work bring up com games and tv show quotes i have never heard of. so it works both ways.

sciurine said...

I can see why you get addicted to such games. I have both SimCity 4 and The Sims 2, and at one stage, i played for 6 hours straight, basically from the moment i dragged myself out of bed, turn the comp on, until dinner time. Good stuff, but last time i touched it was a little over a year ago. My comps to slow with the little RAM space that's left.

But except for Gin Rummy which i still play occasionally, i don't understand how you have that patience to WAIT for online games. I think i'm too impatient, and if others don't rock up, i dig into other things to help me past time.

Frobisher said...

May I suggest "Destroy all Humans" on PS2 - great fun, shame it's not real.

Your game sounds like everyday life here in Dorset.

Jingo said...

Torquer: where have you been? Lack of compatibility is God's way of punishing Mac users.

Jingo said...

Miao: Is it me or does everyone at some point get the Sims? The game has really began to bore me.

Jingo said...

Gneake: I envy you, you can go out and get girls while I'm trapped playing computer games.

Sciurine: I used to be like that but I've calmed down a little.

Jingo said...

frobisher: Destroy All Humans, I have played it before and it's pretty good.

The quiet countryside of Dorset? Other than the odd sheep, I have rarely seen epic battles held there.

Jingo said...

crashdummie: I think I overexaggerate some of my points... Better trapped here than outside performing yobbish behaviour right?

Faith said...

Hey, hey. Love the new colours! And argh... Hate computer games- whatever the reasons for being obsessed with them are, and however logical.

Unknown said...

I prefer knitting sweaters in my free time. And by "knit", I mean "kick", and by "sweaters", I mean "babies".

Anonymous said...

I don't believe you ever had a social life anyway - you just stayed home masturbating like all sixteen year olds. (By the way this is a snippy post because you have hurt my feelings. I thought you ought to know that Mu Tai is up for a major literary blogging award because I found the link for her)!!!

Gaz said...

Give me tomb raider any time,by the way have you noticed how sexy lara croft is getting or is that just me?

Jingo said...

Faith: it's escapism of the technological kind!

Jingo said...

So is that what you're the World champion of Mr Neal?

Jingo said...

I think you're confusing your past with my present mr Mutley ;)

How have I hurt your feelings? I'm sure you can find it in your heart to forgive me.

My congratulations go out to Mu Tai. She does the Chinese community proud.

Jingo said...

Gaz, I think it's just you mate!

The Usual Stuff said...

What's the problem with becoming obsessed with a passtime? As an old role-play gammer, I can tell you it's a way to create a new community with its own language where you fit seamlessly. But the idea is to try to integrate more people into it, at least with role-play. Actually, that's why I left it; 'cause some people wanted to make it something for innitates only.

Jingo said...

Well for a start, mine damages the eyes...