16 December 2006

Religious Hostile Takeover

I know I've been writing a fair few posts about my school (and more importantly, the people in it) but this shocking piece of news came totally out of the blue and the first time I've ever heard of such an example occuring.

I got a letter yesterday that my school is to be converted to Church of England, against the will of all the school governers, and the government is powerless to stop them. All because of a loophole in a 17th century text.

The church claims that the purpose for which the school was established (1708) incorporated the following statement:

Religious instruction shall be given in the school in accordance with the doctrines of the Church of England

Basically, when the school was formed every educational body in the country had to be CoE, but over the years the school turned grammar and no longer followed the religion of the state, instead choosing to select students on academical ability rather than belief.

The funny thing is, they "assume" that line was written, there is no proof anywhere that such a line exists. Unfortunately, the government requires proof that the line wasn't written in order to overrule the CoE takeover. Bearing in mind that the document had to have been drawn up in the 17th century, the school had no idea where the document is.

And once again, the government has failed us by doing nothing. The school will of couse put up a fight but unless they find the precious document the governers will be powerless to prevent a CoE takeover. You hear the government waffling on about the falling standards but they refuse to halt the dissolution of the only school in Liverpool that allows entrance through academic excellence (others ask for massive yearly fees).

You may be wondering why this is such a big deal; the takeover won't affect me. It won't affect anyone in the school for the time being. But will affect the city.

Entrance into the school will greatly change. Everyone part of the CoE will have preference over the academically gifted. So a stupid CoE Christian would be chosen ahead of a intelligent muslim. Since my school is the only Grammar school in the whole of Liverpool (it is the only school that has an entrance exam and no fees) only the academically gifted are allowed through. The CoE's intention is to revamp the entrance system (to benefit the church) or possibly even remove it. Then where would the academically gifted go? There would be nowhere to provide them with a competitive atmospere and grades will suffer because of it.

Plus Religious Studies would be compulsory. Morally I have nothing against this; it just that it's an incredibly boring subject and most people despise it. (I don't really mind it since it's an easy GCSE)

Who knew the Church was capable of such acts of such cunning? Clearly I will need to rethink my views that the church is nothing more than an outdated system; this takeover was well-thought out and meticulously planned. Makes you wonder what really goes on at CoE HQ.

Harmless old monk or ruthless religious businessman?


Anonymous said...

I cannot beliwe what you said in this blog. Legally the burden of finding that document should rest with CoE becasue they want to change the status quo.

Even if CoE find it eventually, I do not see why they can take over our school. If you said was true, they should not succeed. I can see that reliious instructions have been given all the time in your school. As for 'in accordance with the doctrines of CoE', some of the school religious instructions must have been like that. One possible tact is that your RE lessions simply teach CoE doctrines. Students of other faiths simply opt out of RE as it is thier religious freedon enshrined in the Constitution (oh, we do not have one).

Your previous blog berated your fellow students as lazy, stupid, and so on. Now you describe them as academically gifted. Is that not a hyprocracy?

Miao 妙 said...

Oh my, that really sucks.

Anyway, to anonymous: I guess Jingoistic was trying to say that students tend to take things for granted - and this mentality is stupid. But academically they can still do very well.

Simon said...

Wow, I had no idea grammar schools still existed. There are none anywhere near me.

Jingo said...

Yeah, the students do take it for granted but that doesn't mean they aren't clever. There are some who wish to learn, but the majority don't.

Jingo said...

Grammar schools are few and far between Simon. And if the CoE get their way then another one will dissapear, and it will contribute to the decline in GCSE grades in Liverpool.

Now the only choice will be comps or private schools.

bloggin the Question said...

I think it terrible that people with poor parents are expected to be stupid. The elite should be drawn from the biggest pool. Religious schools cause hatred and warfare. Ireland has been in a state of semi civil war for generations. Why copy their system. Blair is mad to envourage relegious schools. Their should be free secular educationj for everybody, and the brightest should be given the best. If you allow religious schools, why not race schools, where children are taught to behave like black people and only black people are allowed in? How is an eleven year old child a catholic or a protestant or a muslim? The liverpool chav's with intelligent children should have a good free school to send their little chavvy genius's to.

Jingo said...

Hi Helga,

Grammar schools are the only secular schools to provide education for the gifted.

If my school is turned CoE there's always the local comp. Except there's some kind of Somali/White divide over there...

The only chance of salvation for a chav is grammar school.

Anonymous said...

Carry on fighting those religious types I say - Satanism is quite prevalent in my area, as is non-specific paganism and support for some kind of weird many-limbed being of extra-terrestrial origin - All in all they rub along pretty weel - aprt from the occasional Monk burning.

gneake said...

hey jingoistic,

thanks for your comment. i've requested a link exchange.

also, i have to say i don't know your education system at all, despite my old one in singapore being based almost solely on it. albeit watered-down i suspect.

however, a major policy recently raised here right before the state election was one of private schools. should they be building more to cater to the brighter students? or would that brain-drain the poorer, less academically-inclined schools of their best students?

but back to your topic, i think meritocracy is still the go and CoE is definitely a threat to education as a whole, which should be the central issue.

Miao 妙 said...

If you want to know why every single blog you go to from my blog is "infested with comments from the chuckle brothers from Bridport", well, it is a very long story, and I'm not going to tell it here.

Anyway, would you like to chat on MSN?

Jingo said...

Hi Gneake,

I'd love to do an exchange with you, your blog is very interesting.

Had I not got into my grammar school, I would have probably gone to a private school (I was offered a £2000 scolarship. but the fees with still extortionate). I would definitely have gotten a better education but at the price they were asking, is it worth it?

Jingo said...
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HopeSpringsATurtle said...

Jingo: Thanks for stopping by my place. I've left you a comment there and hope you stop by again. I like your site and I'm sorry about your school. I went to catholic school through high school and i know how oppressive it can be. The best thing ANYONE can do is to enrich your own learning environment by reading/viewing elsewhere. The internet is a blessing.

Also, you may want to change your email addy from @ to AT to avoid spammers. Thanks again for your visit.


Faith said...
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Faith said...

Hey there, thanks for the comments on my blog. Everyone is cunning. Who is to say that being cunning can't be used for something good? Another common misconception is the fact that religion is to be blamed when it really is the people who choose to twist religion for their own advantages and benefits who are the culprits. Anyway very interesting insight. Don't worry. I'm sure you'll be fine nonetheless! :)

Jingo said...

hi Faith,

The CoE are definitely using religion for their own advantage of brainwashing the youth. I tend to find it is the religious nutcases in America who use the bible to spread hatred the most.

Just take a look at shelleytherepublican.com to see what I mean.

The Usual Stuff said...

Excuse me if I sound stupid but, isn't religious adoctrination completely incomptatible with educating the gifted? As far as I understand and feel, religion is against free thinking and scientific approaches. How is that supposed to match?
Religious teaching sucks!

ShouFarn said...

Hi Jingo. Sorry to see your area in such a state of affairs. I suspect the religious side are feeling threatened nowadays, what with prominent people like Dawkins and Dennett making their opinions known, and hypocritical megachurch pastors (wink wink Ted Haggart and Paul Barnes). Not that i sympathize with them much.

I suppose this may be their way of trying to strike back. By back taking the schools first. Indoctrinate them while they are young, i say! Its whats been happening with the intelligent design motion happening over in america.

I hope everything works out for you. At least they can't do anything to the universities yet.

Torquer said...

Harmless old monk, ruthless religious businessman or Obi Wan Kenobi?