27 November 2006

Scotland: Independant Country?

For some unknown reason, I decided to watch Braveheart sometime ago (there was nothing else on, I swear). Having endured Mel Gibson and his poor Scottish accent long enough I began wondering, if the Scots hate England so much, why be part of the UK?

And now recently, Gordon Brown (a scot) has told the Scottish Labour party independance isn't such a good idea, reiterating what Tony Blair has said about a vote of independance for Scotland and responding to criticism that he is responsible for "Scottish economic underperformance".

Not meaning to sound jingoistic, but if they're going to pin all their problems on England then they can bloody well piss off. What is the point of the United Kingdom if Scotland will just be vying for independance? They wouldn't even agree to a Great Britain football team! How unsupportive can you get?

The only reason Blair/Brown want Scotland to stay is the large share of Labour voters that keep the duo in power. They gave Scottish politicians the right to vote on matters that will not affect their constituencies, how is that fair? Blair gave Scotland its own Parliament and now he's feeling the consequences.

Reasons for Scottish independance:

  1. Hatred of the English
  2. The English love a joke at Scotlands expense
  3. Not in support of GB football team
  4. Celtic and Rangers (the dreaded Old Firm)
  5. Braveheart
  6. Scottish Nationalist Party
  7. The country is full of sheep
  8. It's a wet and cold place (despite what the "Visit Scotland" advert says)
Strong arguments I think you will find.

How does Scotland actually benefit England? Other than provide Labour with valuable voters? If Scotland wants to become a minor European country than so be it. Give the Scottish a chance to run their own country; Blair gave them a government so why not?

There are two outcomes if independance is given:

Country fails
Scotland is no longer supported by England and fails miserably at the running of their country. Trade and economy become stagnant and basically the whole country goes to pot. Every Englishman laughs. Scottish become butt of all jokes.

Country succeeds
Scotland becomes prosperous and does an Ireland (3rd richest country in the world after independance). Every Englishman becomes incredibly jealous and anti-Scottish sentement rises. But the Scottish have the last laugh as England is left in a dire state (NHS, rising crime etc.)

But to be honest nothing's going to change. All I know is that Braveheart is an awful movie and that Scottish football is dire. If the country can't sort out its football how can it sort out its politics?


Daltervia said...

hehe I wrote an post on this a while back. I think that Scotland should just be happy being part of the UK. We'll all be part of the Eu Superstate soon enough anyway.

Gaz said...

I've never been to Scotland i've never had the urge coz of their bad attitude towards the English?

Miao 妙 said...

I love the way you expresses your views about politics - you use such humorous/sarcastic language and at the same time you make a lot of sense.

If the country can't sort out its football how can it sort out its politics?

How true, how true. I should try telling my country, Singapore, this. Our football team is not even among the top 150 in the world. The last I heard, it wasn't even among the top 200. I think.

DeBunkem said...

Yes, Braveheart exceeds any insults I could ever dream up!

Miao 'if the country can't sort out its football, how can it sort out its politics?' Yes, (thinking of Steve McNobody & Svengali - £13,000/day!!!) but then I remember that Italy won the World Cup. They've sure got their politics sorted :)

Look guys, plenty of people loathe the English. For instance, I remember getting heckled in a Dutch cafe in the late 1980's by Thatcher-hating locals. I pointed out to them that they were making HUGE assumptions, associating me with the kind of 'Britishness' that reactionary sour old hag projected. Like all people everywhere, some Scots are fucking idiots, and some are capable, talented and humane (even if they do speak funny:)) As to the quality of their football. I'm a Hammers fan, so what can I say!!!

Jingoistic, once more you ignite the touch-paper and we are discussing stuff. I love this blog!


P.S. J.: I know I should be open-minded and that, but I just don't know if I can bear to watch a Bond movie - let alone pay to do so.

Miao 妙 said...

Talking about the World Cup, I was rooting for France. I love Zidane. I was so sad that they lost, I almost couldn't sleep. :(

Miao 妙 said...

Sorry for the glaring grammatical mistake I made, by the way - it should be 'you express', not 'you expresses'. Sheesh.

Squander Two said...

One minor point. Gibson's accent, while not great, is actually better than half the Scottish actors' in that film, who saw no reason to ditch their extremely strong inner-city Glaswegian accents. At least the accent that Gibson got slightly wrong was the right one.

Scotland's a great place to visit, by the way. Apart from their anti-English chip on the shoulder (which is not usually prominent), they're far nicer people than the English.

I reckon the English will chuck them out of the Union, Scotland will collapse under its insane Marxist politics, they'll have a Thatcherish revolution when things get totally ridiculous, and then they'll become far more successful and richer than England.

contrary mary said...

Can I just be pedantic though and point out that it should be independent.

Sorry - just had to get that off my chest, small though it is... (yes, my chest as well as the typo)

DeBunkem said...

Squander Two,
A Thatcherish revolution? Eeeek! They already had one of those - it was ridiculous, and the majority got poorer.
~ DeBunkem

Gaz said...

Hadrian had the best idea,build a wall around them to keep them inn!

Jingo said...

Hey folks!

I'm sorry I haven't been able to reply to your comments. I've been hospitalised (I'll write a post on it soon).

Scotland is an excellent place. I hope I might do medicine there one day (only if Oxbridge reject me of course)

Jingo said...

Dalt, it was actually your post on the Scots that got me thinking! And Gordon Brown's comments of course.

Jingo said...

I have no idea why Chinese football is so bad. With Singapore atleast they have an excuse which is that the country is small. What excuse does China have?

How can China command respect as a future super power if everyone laughs at Chinas feeble football team? Name one good Chinese player and you'd be stumped.

DeBunkem said...

Sorry to hear that you've been hospitalised mate. Hope you feel better soon.
Cheers from The Weedy Shack!
~ DeBunkem

Anonymous said...

i hate u

Jingo said...

the feeling is mutual mate.

Anonymous said...

Associating football success with good governance is such a stupid idea. It is like believing good footballers are also good statesmen. Do not try to learn medicine. Get some common sense first.
I do not hate you though (unlike the other anonymous reader).

DeBunkem said...

I don't hate you anonymous, but I do have utter contempt for cowards like you who don't have the guts to front up and go 'public'. Sad...
~ DeBunkem

Anonymous said...

i still hate him

Jingo said...

Please provide reasons so that I can improve myself for your benefit. I can't be that bad if you're frequenting this blog can I?