Kanu Believe It?: The Ultimate Comeback in Football
When talking about modern world-class footballers, people think Zidane, Figo, Ronaldo (and other galaticos). Now in my opinion (and I doubt many would share my opinion) that if you were to search for a World Class player you had only to look at the Portsmouth team.
The player I am talking about is Nwankwo "Padillo" Kanu; founder of the Kanu Heart Foundation, Nigerian superstar, wife of Igbo Beauty Pride, African Footballer of the Year (ten times) and a nice guy to boot (no pun intended). He is also, in my opinion, the ultimate comeback king.
The Highs
He began his career kicking arse at Ajax with his silky ball skills and flamboyant moves; accumulating medals, African footballer of the year awards and captaining the Nigerian Team (for his efforts he won Gold at Atlanta 1996 Olympics). Then he moved on to a higher platform. And that platform was Arsenal.
Now being a Liverpool fan, I was never very fond of Arsenal. And until recently, Nwankwo Kanu was just a decent player with an unfortunate name. However, I think his achievements there speak for themselves:
- The Double in 2002
- FA Cup in 2003
- Premier League in 2004
- African Footballer of the Year (Again. The Man has won more of these than I will take GCSEs)

The Lows
But despite his efforts, he soon found himself pushed to the side by emerging star Thierry Henry. Everything went downhill from there.
After a season on the bench, Arsenal decided he was not worth a new contract. Therefore they sold him for around 3 million (a mere pittance. Definitely a price tag that did not do him justice) to West Bromich Albion, who were Premiership no-hopers and destined to relegation; a career dead end for any player of any ambition.
Kanu was an instant hit and his contribution saved them from relegation that season (despite an ominous warning of the season ahead when he missed an absolute sitter in the first game). Second season was poor and the club were relegated (as expected). Many blamed the manager (Brian Robson) for not utilizing Kanu to the best of his abilities. Despite this, they were promoted in season 05/06.
When Robson offered Kanu a new contract for his part in lifting the club back into the Premiership, Kanu refused and became a free agent (good thing too since West Brom’s season was a distaster and they crashed to relegation).
The Comeback (or... When Padillo met Harry)
At the time, Portsmouth was going under a revival just like Kanu would soon do. They were now backed by a filthy rich Russian and Pompey had become the poor man’s Chelsea. With their vast wealth they bought a host of players (mostly rejects from Tottenham. The most famous being Pedro Mendes) that just couldn’t gel. It was during the 05/06 season that they signed Kanu on a free transfer.
It seemed insane for Harry Rednapp (Portsmouth manager) to sign a no-mark striker like Kanu when he had such riches at his disposal. But this was exactly the chance Kanu needed and he is now top scorer in the Premiership with 6 goals to his name.
And thus ends the ultimate comeback story. You probably don’t care so I’m just gonna go off to watch the Liverpool vs. Bordeaux match now.
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