24 October 2006

BBC Falling Standards: Robin Hood, Spooks and Torchwood

Having always considered the BBC a pinacle in TV drama, I was both shocked and alarmed by the amount of rubbish they have been airing lately. Standards have definitely dropped over the past few months. The level of entertainment we can expect is highlighted by these three shows:

If MI5 was really that interesting, we'd all be queueing up to join. Are we really likely to believe that MI5's top spy department consists of just 5 people, 2 of which have no experience whatsoever? The plots are repetitive and filled with disinteresting dialogue, not to mention the lack of any "fit birds" (as us scousers like to say). And it's all Al-Quaeda this, Al-Quaeda that... Every episode seems to be about muslim extremists (and the one episode that was not featured Israelis posing as mulsim extremists).

Actually, I'm a bit to harsh on it. It can be rivetting on (rare) occasions and it's one of the better BBC shows at the moment.

This show was so bad they put it on Freeview. Not only does it have a no-mark cast and terrible dialogue, it makes no sense whatsoever. From the brief few minutes I have watched it (it was so bad I had to change the channel midway) it seemed to be a Doctor Who spin-off expect with a raunchy twist. To give you a taste of the inexplicable and baffling plot the last episode was about some sex-crazed alien (why a sex-crazed alien would want humans is anyones guess).

Robin Hood
But the creme of the crop in terms of sheer awfulness has to go to Robin Hood. I know it's got a 7.30 time slot but they made it ridiculously PC. For example:

  1. The Sheriff's Squire was black (how on earth could a black man in Medieval England ever rise to a such a high position? Infact, was it even likely that there was a black man in Medieval England? Who on earth would believe that?)
  2. Robin Hood refused to actually harm anyone (He's a trained killer! It comepletely takes the edge out of Robin Hood)
  3. And there is never any blood or pain (It's like a Medieval version of the A-Team. You'd think all that prancing around with swords someone should atleast get hurt.)
  4. It was incredibly cringeworthy and melodramatic. At time it got so embaressing I had to look away
  5. There only ever seems to be 5 sets used in the entirely filming of the show (castle, castle wall, village of Locksley, hanging square and forest).
  6. Last episode the only decent character (apart from the Sheriff) was killed off in some ridiculously gallant deed.
Hopefully the BBC will pick up soon and show something decent for a change. If it gets any worse I must just start revising.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you do not like them, do not watch. We BBC do not change.
You should not watch some much TV if you are doing GCSE.