04 October 2006

New Dawn. New Writer.

I have often wondered why my attempts at blogging failed... After about 5 minutes thought, I can sum up why:

I lack motivation. It's just a tad depressing once I realise (despite the long hours I spend on these posts and the comic genius I fill them with *cough*) that I still remain unheard in the blogging community and that, despite my best efforts, no one reads my blogs. Ever.

But what about my friends you may ask? Surely they read my blogs. Indeed they do but I want to do so much more with this blog, achieve things I can only dream of (for now anyway). And how will I ever accomplish this?

With help of course.

I have enlisted the help of literary mercenary, photoshop expert and sex hound Torquer who I had to beg and plead to consider contributing on my humble blog.

Hopefully, with our conbined expertise, we will run havok in cyberspace and become damn popular in the process.

This is the start of great things... great things.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It seems this blog is only a two-man show (or two-girl show). Famous? No way. Get back to your desks and do something decent.